
Hangetsu - (Half Moon) - 41 Steps

Hangetsu (Half Moon)

The name, Hangetsu, means “half moon,” describing the movement of your hands and feet during the opening and closing steps of the kata. There are 41 movements in total, and students 2nd kyu and above will learn and use it in grading.

The motions are semi-circular and almost fluid, and for a good reason. Hangetsu is an internal, breathing kata; essentially, you need to focus on your inner force, or ki, while practicing. Most of the kata is slow and deliberate, with a few fast kicks and punches in between.

In short, Hangetsu is more like meditation in motion. When practicing bunkai for this Shotokan Karate kata, you’ll notice how effective the movements can be in close combat, particularly in breaking your opponent’s balance.


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