
Tekki Nidan - (Iron Horse 2) - 24 Moves

The Tekki Kata (Iron Horse)

The three Tekki kata started out as a single, long kata called Naihanchi. Eventually, they were broken down into three individual forms to make them easier to learn. Before the addition of the Heian set, it was considered the easiest to master, and new karateka would learn it first. Their usual order are:

Tekki Shodan (Iron horse, first level): 23 moves.

Tekki Nidan (Iron horse, second level): 24 moves.

Tekki Sandan (Iron horse, third level): 26 moves.

These kata are performed almost entirely in the horse-riding stance or kiba-dachi. To master them, you’ll need to perfect the low, wide-footed position. You’ll need to perform Tekki Shodan to earn your first brown belt (3rd kyu). When you attempt to grade for your second or first brown belt, 2nd kyu and 1st kyu respectively, Tekki Nidan or Sandan may be one of the kata you’re asked to perform.

Interestingly, Sensei Gichin Funakoshi considered the Tekki kata the most important set within the Shotokan syllabus. The sensei spent three years practicing each of these forms, determined to perfect them. You should follow the sensei’s example and invest the time so you can master these Shotokan Karate kata.


Bassai dai - (Storm or Penetrate the Fortress - Big) - 42 Moves


Sochin - (Preserve Peace) - 41 Moves