
Unsu - (Cloud Hands) - 48 Moves

Unsu (Hands of a Cloud)

The name of this kata is interpreted to mean that your hands need to be like clouds, capable of changing from soft and fluid to lethal instantly. It’s the embodiment of the storm, the techniques symbolizing elements of nature like wind and lightning.

Unsu is one of the most advanced, if not the most advanced, Shotokan Karate kata that you can learn. It’s also magnificent, demanding speed, agility, and unmatched, raw, almost explosive power.

The complexity comes from the quick changes in timing, transitions between techniques, and attacks that require perfect cooperation between all parts of your body. There are 48 movements and uses several advanced hand techniques. Additionally, the kicks are used in unconventional and interesting ways, making Unsu extremely different from other kata. You even perform two kicks while lying down!

Finally, Unsu contains a spectacular spinning jump that, when mastered, makes it an unbeatable kata to perform at tournaments. Expect to fall a lot while practicing Unsu. Even so, the bragging rights will be worth it.


Meikyo or Rohai - (Meikyo, Mirror of the soul) ( Rohai, Vision of a Heron) - 33 Moves