
Chinte - (Incredible Hands) - 32 Moves

Chinte (Incredible Hands)

Chinte earned its name. The kata uses several unique and rare hand techniques that don’t appear in any other kata. These include the vertical punch (tate-zuki), the middle one-knuckle-fist falling strike (nakadaka-ippon-ken uchiotoshi), and the two-finger spear-hand movements (nihon-nukite).

The Chinte kata may appear simple at first glance, but performing the techniques with the required grace can be extremely difficult. In fact, female karateka seem to favour this Shotokan Karate kata over others during tournaments.

Practicing this kata can help teach you to be fluid, letting your energy ebb and flow between grace and force as required. It has 32 deceptively difficult steps and isn’t one of the kata you’ll encounter on your grading journey, not until you already have your Yondan black belt.


Ji'in - (Named After the Saint) - 38 Moves


Gojushiho-sho - (54 Steps - Small) - 65 Moves