
Gojushiho-sho - (54 Steps - Small) - 65 Moves

Gojushiho Kata (54 Steps)

The Gojushiho kata is thought to be sensei Matsumura’s best and final additions to what would become modern-day Shotokan karate. Despite the name referring to 54 steps, the kata contain several additional movements and techniques. The two kata are:

Gojushiho Dai (54 steps, major): 67 moves.

Gojushiho Sho (54 steps, minor): 65 moves.

Gojushiho Dai is the more complex of the two kata and the longest in the Shotokan Karate kata syllabus. It contains several poking strikes that seem to indicate the focus was to do significant damage to an opponent’s vital areas. It’s also the only kata to use the eagle hand (washide).

Gojushiho Sho is considered a real masterpiece. While slightly easier to perform than Gojushiho Dai, you need to be able to keep your balance through the complex motions while being the embodiment of grace, elegance, and resolve. In this kata, the focus is on the 4-fingered vertical spear-hand, or shihon-tate-nukite.

For both these kata, you’ll want to work on your balance and the precision of your strikes if you want to really master them.


Chinte - (Incredible Hands) - 32 Moves


Gojushiho-Dai - (54 Steps - Big) - 67 Moves