
Enpi - (Flying Swallow) - 37 Moves

Enpi (Flight of the Swallow)

This kata may be referred to as either Enpi or Empi, so your sensei might use either one of those translations. As the name implies, the kata movements are meant to mimic the motions of a swallow, sweeping low and high. The clearest examples of that are the upper rising punch (age zuki) and the knee attack (hisa geri).

The motions in the kata alternate between fast and forceful and slow but powerful. However, fast or slow, the entire kata is meant to be performed with a certain grace. Interestingly, the rising punch was thought to be based on the sword technique of a highly acclaimed samurai, who compared the movement to the flight and grace of a swallow.


Bassai dai - (Storm or Penetrate the Fortress - Big) - 42 Moves


Kanku-dai - (To look at the Sky - Big) - 65 Moves